Yoga Tips: Pain often persists in feet? You can get relief with the help of these yogasanas

We all know that the practice of yogasanas is very beneficial for physical and mental health. Benefits have been achieved by practicing yogasanas to reduce stress, relieve minor pain, relieve anxiety and improve sleep quality. But did you know that some yogasanas are not only effective in reducing foot pain easily, but they can also be effective in strengthening the feet and improving flexibility?

The weight of the whole body is on the muscles of the legs, so in some situations, the problem of pain has been seen in them, although if you have this pain frequently, then it is advised to take special care about it. Ignoring this can lead to bone and muscle problems, which can make it difficult for you to walk and even get up.

The practice of yoga asanas can be helpful in strengthening the legs, improving lower body balance, flexibility and strength. Let us know which yogasanas the experts recommend to practice for this?

Adho Mukha Shavasana yoga practice

Adho Mukha Shavasana yoga is considered very beneficial in improving the strength of the legs and lower body, increasing blood circulation and keeping the bones and muscles of the legs healthy. This yoga pose is also beneficial for your hamstrings, glutes, calves and lower back. People who often have problems with foot pain can get benefits by practicing this yoga. Adho Mukha Shavasana yoga also reduces the risk of arthritis in the future.

Warrior pose practice

Warrior pose is known to improve overall body strength. This pose is very helpful in strengthening the legs, improving better balance and stability of the body and stretching the muscles of your hips and waist. The practice of Warrior Pose is considered beneficial for all the major muscles and organs of the body.

setubandhasana yoga

Setubandhasana Yoga or Bridge Pose is an exercise to help strengthen your glutes, hamstrings and lower back. The habit of regular practice of Setubandhasana yoga can be beneficial for people suffering from the problem of back pain along with opening the hip and chest. Setubandhasana yoga is considered one of the exercises to improve blood circulation in the lower body and promote flexibility.


Note: This article has been prepared based on the suggestions of Yoga Guru. You can contact a specialist to know about the correct position of the asana.

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