Every year on 16 October to make people aware about the risks of increasing spinal problems and preventive measures. world spine day is celebrated.
Health experts say, incorporating yogasanas in the routine can help in reducing disorders related to the spine. Many types of yoga poses not only help in increasing the flexibility of the spine but are also helpful in reducing pain. If regular yoga asanas are made a habit from an early age, it can help in reducing the risk of many types of physical health problems along with keeping the spine healthy. Let us know which yogasanas practiced regularly are believed to promote strength and flexibility of the spine?
Marjari asana, also known as cat-cow pose, can be beneficial for preventing spine problems. It can be of special benefit to the health of the spine along with better stretching of your lower back to neck. Its benefits for spinal flexion and spine extension (arching) have been observed. Marjari asana yoga also reduces the risk of problems related to back and digestion and can reduce the risk of many types of disorders.
By making a habit of regular practice of Adho Mukha Shavasana Yoga, you can reduce the risk of spinal disorders while staying physically active. Adhomukha Shavasana yoga is considered to be particularly beneficial in increasing the flexibility of the spine along with the stretching of the hamstrings and calves. Experts know this yoga as a practice that increases the circulation of blood in the upper part of the body. People of all ages must include this yoga asana in their daily routine.
Ustrasana yoga is considered to be particularly beneficial for you in keeping the spine straight and flexible. The benefits of practicing this yoga have been seen to keep the muscles healthy, reduce the problem of pain related to the spine and also for the chest. Practicing Ustrasana yoga can be beneficial in maintaining better blood circulation and removing the problem of stiffness in the muscles. This yoga asana is considered beneficial for people of all ages.
Note: This article has been prepared based on the suggestions of Yoga experts. You can contact a yoga guru to know about the correct position of the asana.
Disclaimer: All the articles published in the health and fitness category of Amar Ujala are prepared on the basis of interaction with doctors, experts and academic institutions. The facts and information mentioned in the article have been verified and verified by the professional journalists of Amar Ujala. All instructions have been followed while preparing this article. The related article has been prepared to increase the information and awareness of the reader. Amar Ujala does not claim or take any responsibility for the information and information provided in the article. Consult your doctor for more details about the related disease mentioned in the above article.