International Cat Day 2022:

Myths About Cats You Need To Stop Believing

Myth: Cats always land on their feet.

Fact: Although cats instinctively fall feet first, they can also get broken bones if they fall from high places. Protect pets from disastrous falls by cat-proofing your balconies and windows.

Myth: Cats should drink milk every day.

Fact: That's a big fat no! Cats like milk but don't need it if they're fed well. Drinking too much milk can also cause diarrhoea in cats (lactose intolerance). So give it rarely and in small amounts if you can.

Myth: Spayed or neutered cats gain weight automatically.

Fact: The same way people do, cats gain weight from eating too much or not exercising enough. When an animal is spayed or neutered, its metabolism slows, and its need for food decreases. The cat might gain weight if it keeps eating the same amount. Exercise and not overfeeding can help cats stay fit.

Myth: Cats cannot get rabies.

Fact: Almost any warm-blooded mammal, including cats, bats, skunks, and ferrets, can carry rabies. Cats should be vaccinated regularly, too.

Myth: Indoor cats cannot get diseases.

Fact: Cats still get sick from organisms carried through the air or brought in on shoes or clothing. Most cats venture outdoors at least once a day and can get diseases and worms from contact with other animals' faeces - so make sure to vaccinate your cats yearly.

Myth: Putting garlic on a pet's food will get rid of worms.

Fact: Garlic won't kill worms. Garlic is considered to be about five times as toxic as onions for cats and dogs. So it's best to get medication prescribed by a vet to treat worms.

Myth: Pregnant women should not own cats.

Fact: A toxoplasmosis disease can be transmitted to humans through cat litter boxes and cause serious problems for unborn babies. These problems can be controlled if the expectant mother avoids the litter box and has someone else clean it for her.

Myth: Animals heal themselves by licking their wounds.

Fact: Not always and not when it comes to large wounds. It can slow down the healing process and damage the wound more.