Vakri Guru: The effect on the country, the world and human life due to the retrograde of Jupiter in Pisces.

Vakri Guru 2022: Jupiter, the largest and most auspicious planet of the solar system, has become retrograde in its water element, Pisces, since July 29. And it will remain retrograde till November 24. When any planet is retrograde, it becomes very strong. Jupiter is an auspicious planet, so its auspiciousness will also increase. If the benefic planet is retrograde, then honor, prestige, wealth increase, if the cruel planet is retrograde, then they cause struggle. Because it is their natural effect. Guru is the factor of knowledge, the factor of progeny, the factor of marital happiness etc. His two zodiac signs are Sagittarius and Pisces. The three constellations of Jupiter are Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorvabhadrapada. Those who have Jupiter retrograde in their horoscope, its effect will be more visible. Jupiter is transiting in Uttarbhadprad of Saturn in transit. And in whose constellation Shani Dev himself is moving retrograde and Saturn’s vision is also falling on the planet Jupiter. Jupiter will be retrograde for about 4 months. The retrograde planet does some old work again and again, so some work that is left will also become the sum of completion of the work. When the planet Jupiter is retrograde, then one house will also give the fruits of Aquarius first.

impact on the world

This time will be a challenge for the country and the world. The wisdom of world leaders would be the opposite. Public outrage will increase. Inflation will increase earlier than expected. From September 10 to October 2, the planet Mercury will also be retrograde with Saturn and Jupiter. There will be a change of power in some countries. There will be more trouble in the countries where war is going on. There will be chances of war between some other countries as well.

retrograde effect of dev guru brihaspati in india’s horoscope

The horoscope of the country of India is of Taurus ascendant, so Dev Guru Jupiter is retrograde in benefic house, which is also the eighth house, as a result of which the attention of the country will be attracted towards some old things. The profit will be less than before. Progress of new work will slow down for the country and old cases will start coming out. Guru is in the constellation of Saturn in the strong state, due to which old matters will accelerate and justice is also seen. There will be a stir in the whole world. Opposition to religion will increase. Religion and communal incidents will increase. Terrorist incidents will happen but the government and army will also face it completely. This transit will bring both advantages and disadvantages. But if Jupiter is an auspicious planet, then its auspiciousness will also be seen.

Effect of retrograde Jupiter on 12 zodiac signs

  • Aries- Dev Guru will be retrograde in your twelfth house, so there will be opportunities for profit in life and expenses will be incurred in auspicious work. There may be sudden promotion or change.
  • Taurus – The lord of your eleventh house is going retrograde, job related problems will be removed. Opportunities will be made to get money from parents.
  • GeminiProblems in the workplace will be overcome. Concerns related to children may increase. be careful about health
  • Crab- In the house of luck, retrograde Jupiter, the matters of any old property will be resolved. You can join a new project. You can get social fame.
  • Leo sun sign- You will get positive effects, the money that has been stopped will come back. You can take some big decisions in life.
  • Virgo- Income sources will increase. Physical problems will go away. Some mental confusion will increase. There will be benefits in the field of education.
  • Libra – Mind, intellect will develop. Hard work will increase in work. You will get success in competitive examinations. Take care of mother’s health.
  • Scorpio zodiac- The race will increase. Interest towards education will increase. Mother’s health will be good.
  • Sagittarius – Your power will increase. There will be short trips, luck and income will increase. Avoid arguments.
  • Capricorn- Expenses will increase. There are signs of a change in the work area. Pay attention to your father’s health. There may be a religious journey.
  • Aquarius- There will be chances of going abroad. Avoid any sudden big investment. There will be support from friends and family.
  • Pisces- Time is good for business. You will not feel like doing any work at this time, be aware of health.

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