– Photo : Amar Ujala
hear the news
The application process for Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Recruitment 2022 being conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is over. SSC had sought applications from the candidates for this recruitment between 17 September 2022 to 13 October. This recruitment of CGL is very special for the candidates. Actually SSC has announced to fill more than 20 thousand posts through CGL recruitment this time. It is worth noting that this time the commission has also made a big change in the selection process of CGL recruitment and now the candidates will be selected on the basis of only two stage tests. If you also want to prepare according to the changed pattern of CGL Recruitment 2022, then you can take help of success.com for this. For your better and firm preparation, you have started a special program by success.com. SSC CGL Batch – Join Now You can take the help of a government job and make your complete preparation sitting at home and make your dream of government job come true.
When will the exam date be released:
After the application process for CGL Recruitment 2022 is over, now the first stage exam is to be conducted in December 2022 for this. However, the commission has not yet given any information about the exam dates to the candidates for this. It is expected that by the end of October month, SSC may share the information regarding Tier 1 exam dates for this recruitment with the candidates. Candidates should keep an eye on the official website of SSC for updates related to this.
Know which special rules will be applicable in Tier 1:
According to the official notification issued by SSC for CGL Recruitment 2022, if the Tier 1 exam is conducted in more than one shift, then the system of normalization will be implemented in it. The Commission has given information in this regard in para 13.2 of the notification. Candidates can check it by visiting the official website of the commission. Along with this, the system of negative marking will also be applicable and for every wrong answer 0.50 marks will be deducted for the candidates.
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How to make sure preparation for competitive exams:
If you are also dreaming of doing a government job and have been preparing for it for years but after many efforts have not been successful so far, then you must be a part of success.com courses once. Success is currently running batch and free courses for various recruitments of UP Lekhpal, SBI Clerk, SBI PO, Delhi Police Constable along with SSC and Railways. In these courses the expert faculty of Delhi prepares the students for their exams. By joining these courses, you can prepare for any competitive exam sitting at home and fulfill your dream of doing a government job. You visit the website of success.com or in your phone safalta app You can download and join these courses.