job opportunity in sbi
– Photo : Amar Ujala Graphics
hear the news
Candidates preparing for competitive examinations have completed the application process of Probationary Officer (PO) Recruitment 2022 in State Bank of India (SBI). Interested and eligible candidates were given a chance till 12 October 2022 to apply for this recruitment, which was started by the State Bank from 22 September 2022. The selection of candidates for this recruitment of SBI PO is to be done on the basis of Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, Group Exercise and Interview. It is worth noting that this recruitment is an officer level recruitment, for which the candidates must be a graduate. Also the age of the candidates should be minimum 21 and maximum 30 years. Candidates can visit the official website of SBI for any updates regarding selection process or recruitment. If you are also going to take part in this recruitment, then in the remaining time for its better and firm preparation, you can take special steps started by success.com. SBI PO Batch 2022 – You can take the help of Join Now and complete its preparation.
Vacancies reduced by 20%:
SBI has announced to fill 1600 regular posts of PO through this recruitment. However, even after the recruitment of 1600 posts, the number of vacancies in it has reduced by 20 percent compared to its previous recruitment. Actually SBI had recruited 2000 posts through PO Recruitment 2021 and 2000 posts through PO Recruitment 2020. Whereas in its current recruitment the number of vacancies has come down to 1600.
What will be its effect:
The reduction in the number of vacancies in this recruitment of PO taken out by State Bank will have a direct impact on you. Actually, after the decrease in the number of vacancies, now it is expected to increase the cutoff of the preliminary examination. In the previous SBI PO recruitment, the cut-off for general category candidates is 63 marks, EWS category candidates cut off 62.75 marks, OBC category candidates cut off 61.25 marks, SC category candidates cut off 54.75 marks and ST category candidates cut off 49.25. Marks was gone. The cutoff for each category of candidates may increase by two to four marks as the number of vacancies in the current recruitment decreases. It is noteworthy that in the preliminary test to be held for this recruitment, 100 questions of 100 marks will be asked from the candidates.
How to make sure preparation for government job:
If you are also dreaming of doing a government job and have been preparing for it for years, but after many efforts have not been successful so far, then you must be a part of success.com courses once. Success At present UPSSSC is running batch and free courses for various recruitment of PET, SBI Clerk, SBI PO, SSC along with Delhi Police Constable and Railway. In these courses the expert faculty of Delhi prepares the students for their exams. By joining these courses, you can prepare for any competitive exam sitting at home and fulfill your dream of doing a government job. You visit the website of success.com or in your phone success app You can download and join these courses.