Neeraj said in the virtual press conference, ‘I spoke to Nadeem after the competition was over. I told him that he did very well. However, he told that there was some problem in his elbow. I congratulate Nadeem for his brilliant throw. The way he came back from injury was fantastic. Nadeem threw his best throw of 86 meters and his control during that time was superb.
Let us tell you that Neeraj Chopra and Arshad Nadeem first came into the limelight during the 2018 Asian Games when a picture of both of them talking on the podium went viral. Apart from this, Nadeem had also seen Neeraj’s spear during the Tokyo Olympics.
Neeraj Chopra, who won the gold medal in the Olympics, had high hopes in the World Athletics Championships but he could not leave Anderson behind. After the event, Neeraj Chopra said that he became a bit uncomfortable after the fourth attempt.
He said, ‘After the fourth throw, I started feeling some problem in my thighs. I was not able to put much pressure on him but one thing was going on in my mind that I have to throw. So I put a bandage on my thighs and then threw.