Lovlina Borgohain: First the insistence of the private coach, then the ruckus in the opening ceremony… Now boxer Lovlina forced to return empty handed

Birmingham: Lovlina Borgohain won the bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics. She was the only boxer who got the medal. Before the Commonwealth Games, not only the medal but the gold medal was expected from Lovleen. But she could not even win the medal. In the women’s 70kg category, Lovlina was defeated 3-2 by Rosie Assels of Wales in the quarterfinals. This is believed to be one of the biggest upsets of this game.

lost because of being defensive
After the first two rounds of the quarterfinal match, Lovlina had the lead. After this, the boxer of Wales made a comeback to win the match and ensured the medal. After taking the lead initially, Lovlina turned defensive. This was the reason why he had to face defeat. A boxer of her level is expected to further consolidate the lead in the match but not Lovlina.

Controversy before the Commonwealth Games
Even before the start of the Commonwealth Games, Lovlina had come into controversy. He tweeted a few days before the start of the game that his personal coach is not getting entry in the sports village. He also accused the Boxing Federation of mentally torturing himself. After this his coach Sandhya Gurung was given entry in the sports village, but the team doctor was sent to the hotel. Even after this, Lovlina could not win the medal.

There was a ruckus in the opening ceremony too
Lovlina had decided to leave the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in the middle. Lovlina along with another Indian boxer Muhammad Hussamuddin decided to leave the Alexander Stadium early for the sports village. She said that she has to practice in the morning and that is why she wants to leave early. They could not find a taxi and both were stranded outside for hours.

Lovlina Borgohain: Lovlina’s arbitrariness continues in Birmingham, left the opening ceremony and spent the night on the road, now there is a ruckusCWG Day-6 Highlights: 5 medals in the bag, Olympic medalist Lovlina out, know how India performed on the sixth day

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