Bollywood’s Mr Perfectionist actor Aamir Khan is in discussion these days about his upcoming film ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’. This film of Aamir is releasing on 11th August 2022 on the occasion of Rakshabandhan. Directed by Advait Chandan, the film will also feature Kareena Kapoor in the lead role. Let us tell you that through this film, Aamir Khan is returning to the screen after a full four years. During a recent conversation, Aamir Khan talked about the OTT platform and the changing mood of the audience.
A lot has changed!
Recently, during a conversation, Aamir Khan was asked that the mindset of the audience has changed a lot in the presence of OTT content. Now that his film is going to release, is he worried about this? To this Aamir Khan said, ‘Absolutely. I mean I am always worried about this change because always my films come only after a gap of about four years. A lot has changed in these four years. I don’t know what will happen when my next film is released? The trend always changes in four years and it always happens with my film. I have to go through this.’ Aamir further said that after the advent of OTT, the audience has got better content.
‘Good content only gets praise’
Aamir Khan also said during the conversation that the audience is now more alert than ever. They appreciate good things and don’t tolerate bad things at all. If a script is weak, they immediately move to other content. Good content is available on OTT in every language. I think the audience has changed for the better in this case. Nowadays movies come very fast even on OTT. I have always tried to keep a gap of at least six months for my films.
Will clash with Akshay Kumar
Let us inform that Aamir’s film ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ is going to clash with Akshay Kumar’s ‘Raksha Bandhan’ at the box office. This film of Akshay Kumar is also releasing on August 11. Along with Akshay Kumar, Bhumi Pednekar will be seen in the lead role in this film.
Bollywood’s Mr Perfectionist actor Aamir Khan is in discussion these days about his upcoming film ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’. This film of Aamir is releasing on 11th August 2022 on the occasion of Rakshabandhan. Directed by Advait Chandan, the film will also feature Kareena Kapoor in the lead role. Let us tell you that through this film, Aamir Khan is returning to the screen after a full four years. During a recent conversation, Aamir Khan talked about the OTT platform and the changing mood of the audience.
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