International Friendship Day: Friendship makes healthy, know these 4 reasons

International Friendship Day: Friendship makes healthy, know these 4 reasons

International Friendship Day 2022: The world has come down to your laptop, mobile and iPad. Now you can pass the time by being a resident of the virtual world for hours. The friendship, likes and entertainment of the virtual world have now captured the lives of people in such a way that they cannot come out of it even if they want to. Knowing that this world is not real. But did you know that being friends with people like you in the real world is great for your physical and mental health too? Yes, it has also been scientifically proven that in real life your talking with friends, sharing problems and gossiping is also good for your health.

Friendship Day is around the corner and this is a great opportunity to strengthen your bond with your friends again. The Corona period had put a plethora of challenges before all of us and it is still not over. In such a situation, it becomes even more important to stay connected with your true friends and loved ones. Whether right with the protocols of the Corona era, but this friendship is of real life. Learn how a good friend helps you benefit your health.

immunity booster

You may think that this is just an emotional thing, other than nutritious food, exercise and supplements, but in reality, friends acting as immunity boosters are connected with many things. Not only does it have an emotional side, it also contributes to making you physically strong. Even if you rarely meet because of the distance, the feeling of being with friends also increases a lot of courage. A friend inspires you to create positive thinking by removing the confusion from your mind, motivates you to fight continuously when you are sick or troubled and sometimes exercise with you by becoming your partner. That’s why a friend is an immunity booster, which is also good for your health. Science also believes that good friendships or support groups act as boosters for health.

emotional support

You must have also felt that the problem which you could not share with your family due to some reason, you told it to your best friend. The friend not only listened and understood you but also told you the solution. Being with friends in difficult times gives strength. They help to relieve your stress, bring you out of stress. Its effect is good on both your physical and mental health. This is the reason why you feel happy in the company of friends.

hormones of happiness

With friends, you spend most of the time having fun, joking or doing adventure activities. These activities cause surprise, laughter and a lot of entertainment and they cause the release of various hormones of happiness. Pleasure hormones like dopamine, seratonin, are released when you’re out with friends, whether you’re out on a picnic, bungee jumping, dancing, or singing. These hormones give a feeling of happiness and joy, as well as help to keep away or get out of situations like stress, tension and anxiety.

Benefits of exercising with friends

In a recent research study on students, it was revealed that exercising in a group has a great effect on all three levels of health, mental, physical and emotional. This effect is far greater than that of exercising alone. Especially if you are exercising in a group with your friends. The research also found that the level of release of feel-good hormones ie endorphins also increased in the exercisers in the group and also the ability to tolerate pain. That is, you can get double benefits by exercising with friends.