Commonwealth Games sprinter S Dhanalakshmi and triple jump national record holder Aishwarya Babu have been dropped from the Indian team. His two tests have come positive for the banned substance. Both were included in India’s initial 37-man squad for the Games in Birmingham. Anabolic steroids were found in Dhanalakshmi’s dope samples while Aishwarya’s samples contained Osterin.
Dhanalakshmi was supposed to represent India in hundred meters and four times hundred meters. After her ouster, MV Jilna has been included in the Indian team for the women’s 4x100m relay for the Commonwealth Games.
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Dhanalakshmi was also in the Indian team for the ongoing World Championships in Eugene but could not go due to visa issues.
At the same time, triple jump player Aishwarya Babu has also been caught in doping. He had set a national record in the triple jump with 14.41m in Chennai and won gold in the long jump the next day. Aishwarya jumped 6.73m, which was the best individual performance by an Indian woman long jumper after Anju Bobby George (6.83m).
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Let us tell you that the Commonwealth Games will be played in Birmingham, England from 28 July to 8 August this month. A 322-member Indian contingent has already been announced for these games. The Indian Olympic Association has included 215 players in this squad. While there will be 107 officers and support staff.
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