The controversy over Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan starrer film ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ is not taking its name to stop. Boycott was being demanded on social media, meanwhile the film has been released. There has been a strong reaction from Monty Panesar, former English cricketer of Indian origin. They believe that this Aamir Khan film insults the Indian Army and Sikhs.
In two tweets, he demanded to boycott the film. He wrote in the first tweet – Forrest Gump fits into the US military, because America was recruiting low IQ men to meet requirements for the Vietnam War. This movie is complete disgrace to India Armed Forces Indian Army and Sikhs! Offensive. Shameful.
He wrote in another tweet – Aamir has played the character of a low IQ person in Lal Singh Chaddha. ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ is a remake of ‘Forrest Gump’ (1994 Hollywood film). It’s insulting. Shameful. #BoycottLalSinghChadda #BoycottLaalsingh. Not only this, he made another tweet, in which he once again appealed to boycott the film.
It is noteworthy that Panesar took 167 wickets in 50 Tests and 24 wickets in 26 ODIs for England. He talks openly about India and the Indian team on Twitter and gives his views.
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