Actors Akshay Kumar and Sunil Shetty, who once reminded of a pair like Amitabh Bachchan and Vinod Khanna in Hindi cinema, used to rock film after film in the 90s. Both entered Bollywood almost at the same time. Both lived in strong competition with each other, although there was a good friendship between the two. Akshay Kumar and Sunil Shetty have worked together in many superhit films like ‘Waqt Hamara Hai’, ‘Mohra’, ‘Hera Pheri’, ‘Phir Hera Pheri’, ‘Deewane Huye Pagal’, ‘Dhadkan’. But there came a time when Sunil Shetty did not even like to see the face of his close friend Akshay Kumar. Let’s know why?
Actor Sunil Shetty is in discussion these days about his new web series ‘Dharavi Bank’. He is taking Akshay Kumar’s name a lot in his interview and wants Akshay to get back to ‘Hera Pheri 3’ somehow. But the story of the first film of this franchise has also been very popular. Yes, the story of Sunil Shetty’s displeasure with Akshay Kumar is related to the film ‘Hera Pheri’ only.
When the film ‘Hera Pheri’ was released in the year 2002, the film was a hit and the trio of Akshay Kumar, Sunil Shetty and Paresh Rawal were well liked in the film. During the shooting of this film, the news of differences between Akshay Kumar and Sunil Shetty made a lot of headlines. Actually, Sunil Shetty had misunderstood that Akshay Kumar got some of his scenes cut in this film. Sunil Shetty got so angry about this that he didn’t even want to see Akshay Kumar’s face.
But, when Akshay Kumar came to know about this, he immediately called Sunil Shetty and tried to clear the misunderstanding. Akshay Kumar convinced Sunil Shetty that he did not cut any scenes from the film, after which the two reconciled and became friends again. The friendship is such that when Suniel Shetty came to know from Paresh Rawal’s tweet that Akshay Kumar is not in ‘Hera Pheri 3’, he was shocked and is now trying to get Akshay Kumar back in the film.