Jay Shah made this statement on Tuesday (October 18), after which the political mercury has risen. Jay Shah is the Secretary of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) as well as the President of the Asian Cricket Council (ACC). After this statement of Jay Shah, former Pakistan wicket-keeper batsman Kamran Akmal has said that even though India does not want to come and play in Pakistan, Pakistan should host the Asia Cup 2023 in any case. Apart from this, Kamran Akmal even talked about boycotting the match against India in the T20 World Cup to be held next Sunday.
keep politics out of the game
Kamran Akmal further says that Pakistan should also not travel to India for the ODI World Cup next year. Kamran says, ‘I think Jay Shah should not have said this. Politics should be kept away from sports. I would ask PCB to take a tough stand on this issue. Like we did in the past. Now there is no team in the world that does not tour our country. Not only Kamran Akmal, former captain Waqar Younis also spoke in Pakistani media.
PCB also issued statement
Waqar Younis said, ‘Asia Cup should be held in Pakistan itself and if it does not happen then Pakistan should not play against India at any level, be it matches of ICC events, matches of Asia Cup and whether it is 23 There should be a match in the T20 World Cup on October. The Indian team has not toured Pakistan since the 2008 Asia Cup in the wake of the Mumbai terror attack. The PCB has said in a media release that, ‘PCB is disappointed with ACC President Jay Shah’s statement regarding holding next year’s Asia Cup at neutral venue. As the President of the ACC, Jay Shah has not discussed or discussed with us in any way. It cannot be considered fair at all.’