Film actress and director Manwa Naik has accused a cab driver of misbehavior. The actress alleges that when she was going home by taxi, the cab driver misbehaved with her and threatened her. Let us tell you that Manwa Naik has worked in many Marathi and Hindi films. This incident with Manwa happened in Mumbai on Saturday evening. He has shared this thing through Facebook post. Reacting to the actress’s social media post, Mumbai’s Joint Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Vishwas Nangre Patil has assured action against the cab driver. Vishwas Nangre Patil wrote, ‘The city police has taken serious cognizance of the incident and action will be taken against the culprit soon.’
saturday evening event
The actress has told through her social media account that she took a cab from Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) at 8.15 pm to go home. When she sat in the cab, the driver started talking on the phone, to which the actress objected as he was driving while talking on the phone. Apart from this, the driver also violated the traffic rules. During this, a traffic policeman stopped the cab and also took a photo of it. After this the driver also started arguing with the traffic police. The actress requested the traffic policeman to let the cab go.
Actress posted on social media
Manwa Naik says that the cab driver suddenly started getting angry at her and said, ‘Will she pay the fine of Rs 500?’ The actress claims that the driver even threatened her with dire consequences. When the actress asked to take the cab to a police station, the driver parked the cab in a dark area. After this the driver left with the cab at high speed. After this Manwa Naik called the Uber Safety Helpline. She was talking to the executive, during which the driver increased the speed of the cab even more. The driver did not stop the cab even after the actress asked lakhs. Also started calling someone else.
Police gave assurance
The actress started pleading for help. After this, two youths riding a motorcycle and an auto driver surrounded the cab driver and rescued the actress. The actress says that I am fine, but I am scared. Mumbai Joint CP Nangre Patil has assured the actress that appropriate action will be taken. He said, ‘We have taken serious cognizance of this incident! DCP Zone 8 is working on it and the culprit will be arrested at the earliest.