The biggest controversy of Sourav Ganguly’s three-year tenure happened in 2021. When the news of his rift with Virat Kohli, who was the captain of Team India, started coming. India was to tour South Africa. In place of Virat Kohli, suddenly the captaincy was handed over to Rohit Sharma. According to reports, while leaving the captaincy of the T20 team, Kohli had expressed his desire to continue the captaincy of the ODI and Test teams, but the BCCI wanted the white ball format to have only one captain. Because of this, the captaincy of the ODI team was stripped from Kohli. It was then said that the board had spoken to Kohli about this, but Kohli had categorically denied having any say. After this tour, Virat Kohli left the captaincy of the Test team as well.
Only loved ones left Ganguly’s side
Ganguly was keen to continue as the BCCI President, but was told that this is not the case with the Board President’s post. Barring Sourav Ganguly and Jayesh George, every office-bearer of the BCCI’s main body has got one more chance. A member present at the meeting held on October 11 at the BCCI headquarters said on the condition of anonymity, “Sourav looked upset. He was disappointed and disappointed too. He was the last man to leave office after the nomination process was over. Get in your car fast. He rolled the window panes and left. In informal meetings before nomination day, Ganguly was told that his performance did not live up to the expectations. Former BCCI President and current BCCI team mentor N. Srinivasan was one of the outspoken critics of Ganguly. Dada was accused of endorsing brands that were rivals of BCCI’s official sponsors.