After leaving the captaincy in IPL 2022, Jadeja also left the team hotel. Since then the franchise has not been able to resolve their differences. Even Jadeja removed all the posts which were related to CSK from his social media. At the same time, CSK released a video last month in which all the players of the team were seen congratulating captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni on his birthday. Except Jadeja, all the other players were there in this video.
Jadeja set to leave from CSK
Mahendra Singh Dhoni took the lead after Jadeja stepped down in the middle of season 15. However, despite this the team’s performance did not improve and it was out of the title race. At the same time, Dhoni made it clear after the last match that he will play for CSK in IPL 2023. In such a situation, there is every possibility that Dhoni will captain the team. In such a situation, there is little hope that Jadeja will return to the team.
In such a situation, it is a clear indication that Jadeja is ready to be out of the team. This way he can be traded to another team or else he will try to resolve the differences by talking to the management of CSK.
Jadeja has been associated with CSK for 10 years
Ravindra Jadeja was associated with Chennai Super Kings in the year 2012. Although during this time it took him a long time to build his credibility in the team, but Dhoni knew Jadeja’s talent. Dhoni gave chance in IPL as well as Jadeja Test match under his captaincy. He took full advantage of this opportunity and became an important member for India in all three formats with his strong game.
Jadeja has many emotional aspects attached to CSK. However, he now sees himself as more of a leader. At the same time, the number of teams in the league has increased from 8 to 10. In such a situation, many teams are going to need an experienced captain in the coming times and Jadeja has now started preparing himself for this.
Jadeja has the experience of playing in 210 matches in the IPL. He has scored 2502 runs while batting in this league, in which his strike rate is 127.65. At the same time, he has also taken a total of 132 wickets in the bowling.