A player will now get Rs 762,300 to Rs 8,38,000 for playing a Test match and Rs 5,15,000 for playing ODIs. Earlier, a cricketer used to get a match fee of 468,815 Pakistani rupees for the 50-over format. On the other hand, a player will get Rs 3,72,075 for T20Is as compared to Rs 3,38,250 last season.
According to Indian Rupee, one Pakistani Rupee is equal to 0.37 paise. That is, a Pakistani player will get about Rs 3 lakh according to Indian for playing Test. He will get Rs 1.9-1.9 for ODI and Rs 1.38 lakh for T20. Along with this, players will also get retention fee per month. It will be around 3.88 lakh for the top player of the red ball and 3.5 lakh Indian rupees for the white ball. The retention fee of players who play Tests in a year will be around Rs 47 lakh.
What is the difference between the players of India Pakistan
If you compare India’s players to Pakistan, then the difference becomes ground-sky. BCCI pays Rs 7 crore annually to retain its top player. Players are divided into 4 categories. The lowest retention fee is Rs 1 crore. The player who gets the lowest retention fee for India also gets double the money than the top player of Pakistan. On the other hand, if we talk about match fees, a player gets 15 lakhs for playing Tests, 6 lakhs for playing ODIs and 3 lakhs for playing T20. After playing 5 test matches, the amount of match fee a Pakistani player will get, the Indian player earns from one match.