There are more than 1 lakh vacancies to be filled in Group D posts in Railways. In the first phase of this recruitment, Computer Based Test (CBT) is to be conducted in the first round for the posts of three Railway Zones from 17 August 2022. The examination will be conducted in multiple phases by the board for more than one crore candidates.
The information about the exam center and city of the candidates for Phase 1 exam has already been released. Candidates can check every information related to the examination by visiting the RRB website of their region.
RRB Group D 2022 Admit Card: Here’s how to download the admit card
step 1: Candidates visit the RRB website of their region i.e.
Step 2: After that click on the admit card link given on the website.
Step 3: Now submit the registration number and date of birth.
Step 4: Your admit card will appear on the screen.
Step 5: Now check and download it.
Step 6: Take a print of it to carry to the exam hall.