South superstars Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday are currently making headlines for their first pan India film ‘Liger’. The special thing is that while Vijay is going to debut in Bollywood with this film, Ananya is going to start her career in South. Now almost two weeks are left for the worldwide release of this film, adorned with the performances of Vijay and Ananya. This sports action drama film by Vijay is one of the most awaited films of this year and the entire team of the film has gone all out in its promotion. In such a situation, where the team is reaching from place to place to promote, another news is coming out about this film which will surprise everyone.
‘Liger’ director Puri Jagannadh and superstar Vijay Deverakonda are very excited for their upcoming film. Along with this, the director is also quite confident about the film and according to some media reports, the film has started giving benefits to the makers even before its release. In fact, according to reports, Saregama Cinemas has bought ‘Liger’ overseas theatrical rights worldwide for a whopping amount of eight crores. These are the most expensive rights sold in the careers of both Vijay Deverakonda and Puri Jagannath.
If we talk about the collection estimates of this much-loved film of Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Pandey, then according to trade analysts this film can do a business of Rs 82 crores across the country. ‘Liger’ from the Hindi belt is expected to earn Rs 10 crore out of 82 crore. The makers of the film are also paying a lot of attention to the promotion of Hindi and the discussion of this film is also being seen a lot among the Hindi audience. Everyone is looking very excited to see Vijay and Ananya working together.
Apart from Vijay and Ananya, Ramya Krishnan will also be seen playing an important role in ‘Liger’, directed by Puri Jagannath. Along with this, Mike Tyson will also be seen doing a cameo in the film. The special thing about the film is that it has been shot simultaneously in both Hindi and Telugu. Going by the track record of Deverakonda’s previous films, ‘Liger’ is looking great at the world box office and it will be interesting to see how well it performs at the box office post release.
South superstars Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday are currently making headlines for their first pan India film ‘Liger’. The special thing is that while Vijay is going to debut in Bollywood with this film, Ananya is going to start her career in South. Now almost two weeks are left for the worldwide release of this film, adorned with the performances of Vijay and Ananya. This sports action drama film by Vijay is one of the most awaited films of this year and the entire team of the film has gone all out in its promotion. In such a situation, where the team is reaching from place to place to promote, another news is coming out about this film which will surprise everyone.
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