Actor Anshuman Jha, who came into the limelight with the film ‘Love Sex Aur Dhoka’ and the web series ‘Mastram’, got engaged to his girlfriend Sierra Winters during the lockdown days and is now taking his relationship with Sierra a step further. Yes, Anshuman Jha and Sierra Winters are going to get married. Both will get married this year. This has been disclosed by the actor himself. Anshuman and Sierra will tie the knot on October 1 this year.
The actor said he and Sierra will tie the knot on October 1. They will get married in America. But after this he will also marry according to Hindu customs. In the month of March 2023, both of them will have a traditional Hindu marriage. The actor also said that I feel like my mother is giving me prayers.
Anshuman Jha had always kept his and Sierra Winters’ relationship a secret and their marriage would also be private. He has also given the reason for this. He said that Sierra always wanted an Indian wedding and my mother had the same wish. It will be quite private in both the places because we both believe in the same thing.
Talking about the career of the actor, he started his acting at the age of just 13. He was first associated with Prithvi Theatre. He participated in many plays as a child artist. After that he turned to films. Anshuman made her debut in Hindi cinema with Ekta Kapoor and Dibakar Banerjee’s film ‘Love Sex Aur Dhoka’. He also appeared in the web series ‘Mastram’. At the same time, now he will start shooting for the film ‘Hari Om’. Anshuman has also made his debut as a director. He is looking forward to action film ‘Lakadbagha’ starring Arjun Mathur, Tannishtha Chatterjee and Rasika Dugal, directed by Anshuman Jha.
Actor Anshuman Jha, who came into the limelight with the film ‘Love Sex Aur Dhoka’ and the web series ‘Mastram’, got engaged to his girlfriend Sierra Winters during the lockdown days and is now taking his relationship with Sierra a step further. Yes, Anshuman Jha and Sierra Winters are going to get married. Both will get married this year. This has been disclosed by the actor himself. Anshuman and Sierra will tie the knot on October 1 this year.
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