Actor Mukesh Khanna is very active these days. He often keeps his opinion on some topic on social media. Recently, a video of the actor is going viral, in which he is saying some such things, after listening to which the users got furious and took the actor down. Actually in the video Mukesh Khanna was saying that ‘the girl who is asking a boy for sex, she does business. People should not get into such things.
‘That’s the girl’s business’
The actor, who recently came into the limelight for making a film on Shaktimaan serial, further said that if a girl tells a boy that I want to have a relationship with you, then it is his business, because no civilized society girl would say so. The girl who says this is shameless, don’t be a participant in her sin.
Users trolled
People are reprimanding him fiercely on this video of the actor. One user said – ok cool, now make a video civil society boy. While others wrote, conservative thinking persisted. Another person said – did not write anything about the boys. However, this is not the first time, when the actor has made a controversial statement, he has made headlines twice before this through his statements.
Actor Mukesh Khanna is very active these days. He often keeps his opinion on some topic on social media. Recently, a video of the actor is going viral, in which he is saying some such things, after listening to which the users got furious and took the actor down. Actually in the video Mukesh Khanna was saying that ‘the girl who is asking a boy for sex, she does business. People should not get into such things.
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