DRDO Recruitment 2022: Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has invited applications for the 630 Scientist B/ Engineer posts in DRDO, DST and ADA. The last date to apply is August 05, 2022.
Interested candidates can apply through official website drdo.gov.in. The pay scale for the above posts will be 88,000/- per month. Candidates should refer to the official notification for post wise, salary and other facilities information.
DRDO Scientist Recruitment 2022 Details
पद : डीआरडीओ में वैज्ञानिक 'बी' ग्रेड
रिक्तियों की संख्या : 579
Post : Scientist ‘B’ Grade in DST
No. of Vacancies : 08
Post : Scientist/Engineer ‘B’ Grade in ADA
No. of Vacancies : 43
Eligibility Criteria of DRDO Scientist Recruitment 2022
For Scientist ‘B’ Grade in DRDO The candidate must have a first class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in the relevant engineering discipline and a valid GATE score. The age of the applicant for the above post should not be more than 28 years.
DST stands for Department of Science and Technology For Scientist ‘B’ Grade in B.E. or B.Tech in Bio-Technology/ Bio-Medical Engineering. The applicant candidate’s age should be less than 35 years for the above post.
Whereas, for the post of ADA Scientist / Engineer Applicant candidate should have BE / B Tech in Chemical Engineering / Polymer Engineering / Plastic Engineering / Polymer Science. The age of the applicant for the above post should not be more than 30 years.
Application Fee for DRDO Scientist Recruitment 2022
सामान्य व अनारक्षित, ईडब्ल्यूएस और ओबीसी पुरुष उम्मीदवारों के लिए : 100/- रुपये
एससी/ एसटी/ पीडब्ल्यूडी और महिला उम्मीदवारों के लिए कोई शुल्क लागू नहीं होगा।
उम्मीदवारों को परीक्षा शुल्क का भुगतान ऑनलाइन करना होगा।
DRDO Scientist Recruitment 2022 Selection & Application Process
Interested candidates may apply online through the website rac.gov.in. Shortlisted candidates on the basis of GATE score and written test will have to appear for personal interview.
DRDO Recruitment 2022: Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has invited applications for the 630 Scientist B/ Engineer posts in DRDO, DST and ADA. The last date to apply is August 05, 2022.
Interested candidates can apply through official website drdo.gov.in. The pay scale for the above posts will be 88,000/- per month. Candidates should refer to the official notification for post wise, salary and other facilities information.
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