Akshara Singh is the queen of Bhojpuri cinema, who remains in the headlines due to her professional life as well as personal life. Akshara’s fans know that she was once in love with Bhojpuri actor Pawan Singh. But both have parted ways. Akshara has spoken many times on her and Pawan Singh’s relationship. At the same time, now Akshara Singh has given an interview, in which the actress has revealed how she will marry the boy?
Actually, 27-year-old Akshara Singh has spoken openly on personal life in her latest interview. The actress has told that she has no plans to get married right now. Akshara Singh jokingly said that the fans want me to get married. But you tell me if I get married then what will happen to the rest of my fans.
Akshara further told that she does not want to get married right now. The actress has struggled a lot for what she has achieved so far. For this reason, she will also choose that person as her life partner, who is hardworking and knows how to fight.
Let us tell you that the love story of Akshara Singh and Pawan Singh is quite popular in Bhojpuri cinema. At one time both used to date each other and Akshara also wanted to marry Pawan Singh. But suddenly Pawan surprised the fans along with Akshara by announcing marriage to Jyoti. After the deception met with Pawan Singh, Akshara was seen speaking on her situation many times. However, now she has moved on in her life and is concentrating on her work.
Akshara Singh is the queen of Bhojpuri cinema, who remains in the headlines due to her professional life as well as personal life. Akshara’s fans know that she was once in love with Bhojpuri actor Pawan Singh. But both have parted ways. Akshara has spoken many times on her and Pawan Singh’s relationship. At the same time, now Akshara Singh has given an interview, in which the actress has revealed how she will marry the boy?
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