Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor’s film Good Luck Jerry has been released. After the release of the trailer of the film, the audience was eagerly waiting for it. However, this film has been released on Disney Plus Hotstar OTT platform instead of theatres. Directed by Siddharth Sen and produced by Aanand L Rai’s Color Yellow Productions, Lyca Productions and Mahaveer Jain, the film is a perfect material for the audience to spend their holidays at home. The audience has given a decent review to the film on Twitter.
Good Luck Dairy is the story of a girl’s struggle, who fights to save her mother from illness and move on in life. The film has been given a good review by the audience on Twitter. One user wrote – Good luck Jerry is a great time pass film and undoubtedly Janhvi’s performance in this film is excellent. At the same time, another user also liked the film and wrote – Janhvi’s acting has improved a lot. All the side characters have done a great job. Its story makes you laugh. Although there are many flaws in the film, but overall the film is good.
Audience has given 3 to 4 stars to Good Luck Jerry. People say that this comedy crime drama must be seen at least once. In this film, people are also liking Janhvi’s style of speaking desi and Bihari.
Janhvi Kapoor has given a stellar performance in the character of Jerry. Her character in the film is a mixture of innocence, courage and finesse and she has played it beautifully. Apart from Janhvi Kapoor, Deepak Dobriyal, Sushant Singh, Neeraj Sood, Saurabh Sachdeva, Jaswant Singh Dalal are also included in this film.
Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor’s film Good Luck Jerry has been released. After the release of the trailer of the film, the audience was eagerly waiting for it. However, this film has been released on Disney Plus Hotstar OTT platform instead of theatres. Directed by Siddharth Sen and produced by Aanand L Rai’s Color Yellow Productions, Lyca Productions and Mahaveer Jain, the film is a perfect material for the audience to spend their holidays at home. The audience has given a decent review to the film on Twitter.
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