Shahrukh Khan, the king of Bollywood, remains in constant discussions at this time. His fans are eagerly waiting to see him on the big screen. The actor is soon going to make a big comeback with many films and that is why he is busy completing the shooting of his films back to back. While Shah Rukh Khan wrapped up the shooting schedule of his film ‘Pathan’ a few days back, these days he is busy shooting for famous director Rajkumar Hirani’s ‘Dunky’ in London. In such a situation, a video of him from the shooting of London on the Internet is becoming increasingly viral on social media, in which Shahrukh is seen hiding his face.
shahrukh’s look viral
Shah Rukh Khan is currently in London to shoot a sequence for his debut film ‘Dunky’ with Rajkumar Hirani. Recently, a video of Shahrukh Khan during the shoot on Instagram is becoming very viral. This has been shared by celebrity paparazzi Manav Mangalani on his official Instagram handle. Sharing the video, Manav wrote, ‘Shahrukh Khan’s look from the shoot of Rajkumar Hirani’s film Dunki.’ In this video, it can be seen that the actor is sitting in the car while hiding from the fans. Shahrukh, trying to hide his look from the crowd, hurriedly sits in the car. In this video, the actor can be seen wearing black pants with a red colored jacket.
Shahrukh was seen hiding earlier too
A few days back, a photo of Shah Rukh Khan from the sets of ‘Dunky’ went viral on social media. The look of the actor seen in the photo was also trolled by the users. Not only this, this is also not the first time that Shahrukh Khan is seen hiding his look. Shahrukh has been seen hiding his look from the fans many times before. A few days back, the actor shared the look of his film ‘Jawan’ with his fans, which all his fans were watching. Everyone was surprised to see such a style of Shahrukh.
Cameo in ‘Rocketry’
A glimpse of Shahrukh Khan was given to his fans by actor R. Madhavan’s directorial venture Rocketry The Nambi Effect. Shahrukh Khan played a small role in this film. The actor was seen playing the role of a journalist in it. According to reports, it was Shah Rukh Khan who had expressed his desire to be a part of the film with Madhavan. At the same time, the fans were also very happy after seeing Shahrukh Khan on the big screen after a long time.
Shahrukh Khan, the king of Bollywood, remains in constant discussions at this time. His fans are eagerly waiting to see him on the big screen. The actor is soon going to make a big comeback with many films and that is why he is busy completing the shooting of his films back to back. While Shah Rukh Khan wrapped up the shooting schedule of his film ‘Pathan’ a few days back, these days he is busy shooting for famous director Rajkumar Hirani’s ‘Dunky’ in London. In such a situation, a video of him from the shooting of London on the Internet is becoming increasingly viral on social media, in which Shahrukh is seen hiding his face.
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