After the tremendous success of the film KGF 2, the popularity of the South actor, who has become a Pan India star, has already taken off. In such a situation, every producer or director would like to do films with him. At this time, information has come out that the remake of actor Yash’s film ‘Googly’ is going to be made. ‘Googly’, made in Kannada language, also shone like true gold at the box office. Now that the news of its remake has come out, it is no less than a treat for the fans. So let’s know all the details about it.
This filmmaker bought the rights
Talking about the remake of the film ‘Googly’, well-known filmmaker Mahesh Dannavar has decided to remake this film in different languages. According to the information revealed, Dannavar has acquired the rights to remake this superhit film. Now it will be made in different languages.
The movie Googly was a superhit
Talking about the film Googly, the year 2013 came in this film, apart from actor Yash, Kriti Kharbanda was in the lead role opposite him. Not only did this film earn tremendously but it also won many awards.
Remake will be made in different language
The reason behind making the remake of the film ‘Googly’ is that it was a blockbuster success. In view of which it will be remade in many languages. Producer Dannavar aims to take the film to a different language-knowing audience. As of now, the cast and crew of the film have not been finalized yet.
After the tremendous success of the film KGF 2, the popularity of the South actor, who has become a Pan India star, has already taken off. In such a situation, every producer or director would like to do films with him. At this time, information has come out that the remake of actor Yash’s film ‘Googly’ is going to be made. ‘Googly’, made in Kannada language, also shone like true gold at the box office. Now that the news of its remake has come out, it is no less than a treat for the fans. So let’s know all the details about it.
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