Flexibility of the body is very necessary for better fitness. It helps you to perform all the necessary functions of the body from fast walking, bending, sitting to easily. However, over time, your body can lose flexibility due to aging, a sedentary lifestyle, stress or improper posture. In such a situation, it becomes difficult for you to perform the tasks of daily living.
Flexibility problems can cause arthritis, bone-muscle pain, all people need to be careful about this. Regular practice of yoga helps you in maintaining the flexibility of the body.
Practicing specific yoga poses can help you build muscle strength, reduce feelings of tension or anxiety, and increase body stamina. The practice of yoga is also considered helpful in keeping the muscles of your back, hips, core, neck and shoulders healthy. Everyone should make it a habit to include yoga asanas in their daily routine. Let us know that the practice of which yogasanas is considered beneficial to increase flexibility?