Ank Jyotish Numerology Predictions | daily numerology prediction
In the calculation of numerology, the radix of a person is the sum of the date of that person. For example, if a person was born on 23rd April, then the sum of the digits of his date of birth is 2+3=5. That is, 5 will be called the radix of that person. If someone’s date of birth is two digits i.e. 11, then his radix will be 1+1=2. Whereas the sum total of date of birth, month of birth and year of birth is called Bhagyank. For example, if someone is born on 22-04-1996, then the sum of all these numbers is called Bhagyank. 2+2+0+4+1+9+9+6=33=6 i.e. his fortune number is 6. By reading this numerology, you will be able to make your daily plans successful. Like daily numerology will tell you whether your stars are favorable for you on the basis of your radix or not. What challenges may you face today or what kind of opportunities can you get. By reading the daily numerology predictions, both of you can be prepared for the situation. So let’s know through numerology which is your radix, auspicious number and lucky color.
Issue 1
You will have a wonderful day. You will be full of energy today. Running away will continue, but you will also get its proper result. There will be good opportunities to make money. But today you should stay away from debate, otherwise problems may arise for you in future.
Lucky Number – 28
Lucky color – purple
Fig. 2
Today, the day will be good for both the people doing job and business. Today there is a possibility of a partnership or deal regarding any business. Your behavior can help you grow both personally and professionally.
good number – 25
Lucky color – saffron
Issue 3
There may be a rift with some family members, which you have to take care of. You have to work on any issue thoughtfully and wisely. Money may be a matter of concern for you at this time. You may face some problems in a legal matter, but it will not affect you much.
Lucky Number – 15
Lucky color – purple
Issue 4
There are good signs of monetary gains. Stuck works can be completed soon. Today your confidence will be good. There can be reconciliation with people which will benefit your business.
Lucky Number- 35
Lucky color – pink