Everyone is shocked to hear the news of Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen and Lalit Modi’s relationship. Ever since Lalit Modi revealed the news of his affair with the actress, social media fans have been flooded with funny jokes. Along with the pictures of the couple, the memes made on them have started going viral on social media. There are some memes that will make you laugh and laugh after reading it.
On July 14, Lalit Modi made their relationship official by sharing his relationship with Sushmita on Twitter. Since then, a lot of memes are becoming viral on social media about their relationship. Some people seeing both of them together are saying ‘Queen of Roop, King of thieves’. So read these funny memes made on them…
- Preity Zinta, Juhi Chawla had bought only one team of IPL, Mohtarma was the founder of IPL.
- Miss India + Missing India = Mystery of India
- One wrote by putting a photo of Rohman Shawl – ‘Changed the time, changed the emotion, changed the life’
Sharing the pictures of Lalit and Sushmita has hurt the boys of the 90s, some people made fun of the gym boys and wrote, ‘Two minutes of silence for those boys, spend 2-3 hours in the gym’ .’
Not only this, memes are also being made about the reaction of Lalit Modi on the memes of social media users. Apart from this, a lot of memes are also being made about Banarakas and Binod of Panchayat.
Everyone is shocked to hear the news of Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen and Lalit Modi’s relationship. Ever since Lalit Modi revealed the news of his affair with the actress, social media fans have been flooded with funny jokes. Along with the pictures of the couple, the memes made on them have started going viral on social media. There are some memes that will make you laugh and laugh after reading it.
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